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COVID-19 Response

Writer's picture: A.W. BURGESSA.W. BURGESS

Prior to COVID-19, Intimate Personal Violence(IPV) and Child Abuse(CA) were already extremely high, whereas 3 women(IPV) & 5 children(CA) were dying in the U.S. daily. The risks to victims are serious, linking IPV/CA to an increased risk of death. In addition to the rate of abuse increasing, the severity & recurrence of abuse increases as well. As gun sales surge, we will see an uptick in IPV/CA homicides. These factors are all reciprocal in nature. Stress begets alcohol abuse & job loss just as much as job loss begets alcohol abuse & stress. The factors underlying IPV are fluid, interrelated, and numerous, which makes IPV that much more difficult to extinguish. COVID-19  has elicited a perfect storm for IPV  & child abuse victims. We will call abusers in… not out!

Among all of the horrors that COVID-19 has wrought, domestic violence is a growing scourge that lurks in the shadows. Indeed, a stark uptick in reports of domestic violence and abuse (more commonly referred to in clinical settings as “intimate partner violence” or “IPV”) has recently received national (and even global) attention. New estimates from the United Nations Population Fund suggest that three months of quarantine will result in a 20 percent rise in IPV throughout the world. In total, the report predicts at least 15 million additional cases of IPV will occur as a result of COVID-19 lockdowns.


With workplaces closed, visits to family and friends discouraged, and even public parks off-limits, social isolation has become government-sanctioned. Unfortunately, social isolation is one of the most common tactics employed by perpetrators of IPV. By isolating victims from friends, family, and any outside contact, abusers are able to assert control over the victim’s entire environment. Social isolation can lead to the normalization of abuse and allow abusers to more easily engage in gas-lighting techniques. Severe and persistent isolation can cause victims to rely solely on their abusers to define a sense of reality, which feeds into a cycle of abuse that is very difficult to escape.


Another factor commonly associated with IPV is stress. Natural disasters and crises catalyze immense stress responses that often correlate with increases in IPV. As mentioned above, one study examining interpersonal violence in the wake of Hurricane Harvey found that stress associated with the disaster was related to higher rates of IPV both during and after the hurricane. A similar report following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska found that disaster-related stress was associated with a nearly threefold increase in IPV.

With regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, stressors abound. In many ways, disease outbreaks can foster a type of stress more insidious than that of other disasters. Namely, pandemics ignite the unknown. During most disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes, we know whether or not we’ve been personally impacted. Although these events can be extraordinarily stressful, there is at least an established time boundary from which we can begin to assess damage and eventually move forward. But with viral pandemics, we are often left in an ongoing state of risk and worry, triggering an overexposure of the stress hormone cortisol. Elevations in stress hormones have long been associated with increased aggression.

Economic Anxiety and Joblessness

One specific type of stressor has been given significant attention in the context of IPV: economic anxiety. Indeed, plentiful research has shown that IPV is more likely (and more severe) in households that are economically distressed. For example, studies from the 2008 recession found that increases in unemployment claims correlated with a greater number of reported cases of IPV. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented job loss at levels comparable to the Great Depression.

Many researchers believe that a perceived threat to the masculine identity undergirds the relationship between economic anxiety and IPV (e.g., Dutton & Browning, 1988; Totten, 2003). One qualitative study interviewed 33 men attending a domestic violence program and found that threats to masculine identities played a significant role in the occurrence of IPV (Anderson & Umberson, 2001). When masculinity is threatened (for example, by job loss and the perceived failure to “provide”), abusers respond with violence in order to regain a sense of power and control in their relationships.


Alcohol is also widely considered to be a key predictor of IPV, primarily due to its disinhibitory effect on aggression. As the nation has sheltered at home, sales of alcohol have skyrocketed, with some sales rising as much as 243 percent. Again, this trend mimics past experiences with natural disasters and crises—in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, alcohol consumption rose sharply. For relationships already marred with violence and abuse, alcohol adds fuel to the fire, particularly when coupled with the isolation and stress discussed above.

Lack of Resources

Finally, a lack of resources can also contribute to IPV. Although most court systems remain open for emergency matters such as granting restraining orders, reports suggest that some of these cases are being delayed. Legal services for victims have also been affected, with many legal aid organizations and advocates (upon which victims heavily rely) now being forced to work remotely. It is also possible that some judges will be reluctant to hold violent abusers in jail due to the increased risk of COVID-19 infections in state facilities.

Shelters are facing their own challenges. While shelters typically serve as a safe haven for victims seeking reprieve from abuse, they are now experiencing health concerns and closures due to their often dorm-like, group living arrangements. Even when these shelters are able to remain open, victims might be reluctant to expose themselves to high volumes of people in close quarters. Fortunately, some shelters are finding creative solutions, such as one shelter in Nashville using RVs to house individuals. But many victims—particularly those in densely populated cities experiencing rampant rates of infection—are finding shelters more difficult to access.


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