Meet The Founder

A.W. BURGESS (he/him/his)
"America's Domestic Violence Expert"
C.E.O/Founder & National Executive Director
A.W. Burgess is a healed, publicly admitted, domestic violence offender. He has used this platform to work with families, corporations, and communities to heal after violence. He is considered by many corporate and community leaders as a contemporary holistic provider and innovative solution to domestic violence.
He is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. At 21, with a promising future in collegiate and professional sports, he went to prison at the onset of his senior year of college as a result of domestic violence. After receiving mental & behavioral services, he emerged from prison as a change agent charged to help individuals find the root cause of their violent behavior. By guiding abusers to find their mental wellness, he has consequently kept innocent victims from being harmed or killed, while also ending cycles and cultures of violence..
He is affectionately called The Family Man® being married for three decades, the loving father of 4, and 2 grand children. Since 2019, he has been the CEO, Founder, and National Executive Director of Family Mankind® who advocates for survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and bullying in LMI, LGBTQIA+, Deaf, Blind, Hard of Hearing, and individuals living with disabilities communities. He is a Domestic Violence consultant, advocate, & speaker. He is the author of the book "The Family Man: Solutions To Permanently Eradicate Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, & Bullying."
In 2021, Burgess was appointed as a Domestic Violence Commissioner by N.C. Governor Roy Cooper. He holds professional certificates in Non-Profit Leadership Management from Duke & Harvard University.